So excited! Werribee Concert Band has a new Tuba!

Grant Type

Significant Acquisition


Werribee Concert Band





Members of the Weribee Concert Band are a fabulous group of dedicated musicians who get together to practice and perform having a lot of fun.

These days the Werribee Concert Band considers itself very fortunate especially since their old Student Model 3 valve Tuba was getting to be well over 20 years old and in need of repair, they (WBC) approached Arts Assist to help them purchase a brand new Tuba as part of the significant acquisitions grant.

Arts Assist were very pleased to be able to provide Werribee Concert Band with a grant so they could purchase a brand new Tuba!

A Tuba plays a very important role in a band as it provides extra support and depth of base for the other band members to work off. Now the band has a 4 Valve Tuba which will greatly help WCB to continue contributing to the arts in Wyndham into the future, giving musicians a place to perform with like-minded people, and giving the residents of Wyndham more opportunities to be entertained by our music.

Arts Assist Chair Jan Goates and Advisory Panel Members Peter Ross and Alan Thompson were suitably impressed with the purchase when they attended a recent rehearsal featuring the new Tuba and expressed how rewarding it felt to contribute to helping grow the arts and cultural activities in Wyndham and to support local musicians.

The Werribee Concert Band is extremely thankful to Arts Assist, and are very excited to have received this new piece of equipment.

Image: L-R Andrew Dulhunty, Janice Goates and Peter Ross.